Monday, November 8, 2010

Walkin around on a broken leg.

What a day I have had!  Yesterday Marcus was supposed to play rugby with the Pattaya Panthers against a team from Australia here on a footy trip called the Unquenchable's, however they were obviously too pissed to play so they cancelled last minute and the Panthers ended up playing a practice match against themselves.  Fun for them but not for the families who showed up to watch and support.  The kids didn't mind I guess as they just run around the field like crazy and the babies just love having the freedom to roam where ever they liked.  It was the wives who were a little annoyed, but I solved that by having a few beers.
Marcus was about a quarter of the way into the first half when he was in a tackle and one of the big guys rolled or stood on his ankle.  He thought at the time it was just a twist and he could run it out, even though for a while there he couldn't even walk on it.  I knew from where I was watching from the sideline that it was bad, women's intuition I suppose, but he chose to play on for the rest of the game.  Which in hindsight he now agrees that it wasn't the best thing he could have done.  So last night we iced and treated his ankle thinking it was a bad sprain and when he woke up this morning, against my advice, and went to work.  It was about 9.00am that I called him and he said that he thought he should go and see a doctor at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital.  I was quite frustrated with this.  Any other day it wouldn't have bothered me but today our nanny came to work after dropping Marcus off and asked me if she could take another day off work.  She had 2 sick days last week and about 5 the month before that. She has just about worn out her grace period and my patience.  So I had to take Judd to school and drop the nanny off along the way.  Then on my return home Marcus informs me he wants to go to the hospital and I would have to drive the 35 minutes to his Industrial Estate to pick him up, with the baby.  This was not how I planned my day when I woke up this morning.
Turns out he has a broken leg, down where the leg meets the ankle.  Thankfully the hospital we go to is very, very quick in processing its patients (as long as they can pay) and Marcus had seen a doctor, got a cast on his leg, picked up his medication and paid the bill in just over 2 hours.  Pretty efficient. 
So now I have 2 kids to clean up after and a husband who cant walk without crutches.  I know I should be feeling sorry for him and have some sympathy but all I feel is annoyed that my work load has increased.  How selfish of me, but I cant help it.  I guess I may have been in a more compassionate mood if the nanny hadn't pulled the pin on coming to work today.  On the upside though, I had a very productive day, I haven't been this busy in months.  I did laundry, cleaned house, got Judd to and from school, picked up Marcus took him to the hospital, did some grocery shopping, picked Marcus up, took the kids to the park, fed them, bathed them and put them to bed.  WOW its like my old life back in Melbourne before we had maids and nannies. 
Having a day like this shows the contrast between our two worlds.  I love having help around the house and help with keeping the kids entertained, and being able to go out and grocery shop alone or meet a friend for coffee or a massage, but I miss being that central point that the family evolves around, the one person that makes the house and family function efficiently.  I am almost a spectator on the sidelines now, if the baby has a choice she sometimes chooses the nanny over me, I have way too much spare time but not enough friends or a hobby to enjoy that spare time with.  Back in Melbourne I may have been a bit strung out and stressed out and time poor but looking back that was my job, I was (am) a stay at home mum.  Now I am not so sure what my job title is. 
I met a young man from Holland up at the lake near our house on the weekend, he was about 17 and goes to one of the International Schools nearby.  He asked me what I was doing here in Thailand and I explained that I was here with my husband and family and where Marcus works and he went on to ask in a way that only a 17 year old, overly confident boy can, "so what do you do?  On holiday?"  It was asked so straight forward and without malice that I just had to laugh and say "yes".  He obviously doesn't see raising 2 kids as "work".  But there is the question, is it still work when you have hired someone to do most of the work for you?

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